English translation for "he really knows his stuff"
Related Translations:
really: adv.真,真正,实在,果真。 R- 真的吗? 哦? 果真吗? R-! 实在的!真的! really and truly 果真,的的确确,千真万确。 Not really! 不会吧! Wellreally! 哎呀,真是这样[真想不到]! If that is really the case. 假如真是如此。 Tell me what you really think. 把你
Yeah i think he really knew his stuff he was very professional 对,我觉得他很了解他的东西他很专业
But joe ma is no doubt a master of packaging . he really knows his stuff . once again , he demonstrated his exceptional talent and produced a movie that he knows the audience would love to watch 马伟豪偏偏能像魔术师一样变变变,以巧手熟练的手法为电影作出切合时宜的得体包装,在市场上获大众接受。